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Rebecca Wolff
Rebecca Wolff is the author of three books of poems: Manderley, Figment, and The King. She is also the author of a novel, The Beginners. A founding editor of Fence, a literary journal, and Fence Books, and of The Constant Critic, she is a fellow at the New York State Writers Institute at the University of Albany, in the US, and lives in a small village called Athens, on the Hudson River. She is at work on a new book of poems called One Morning—.

Articles Available Online

Two Poems


Issue No. 3

Rebecca Wolff


Issue No. 3

I approach a purchase adore my children— back away— that they revere ugliness the rainbow bag that holds a smaller rainbow bag I just...



Issue No. 15

A Weekend With My Own Death

Gabriela Wiener

TR. Lucy Greaves


Issue No. 15

We all have tombs from which we travel. To reach mine I have to get a lift with some...


October 2015

Two Poems

Robert Herbert McClean


October 2015

Another Autumn Journal Chaos (AKA Do Not Put This to Music Because You’re How Fish Put Up a Fight)...


November 2011

The nobility of confusion: occupying the imagination

Drew Lyness


November 2011

The Oakland Police Officers Association in California said something clever recently: ‘As your police officers, we are confused.’ It...


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