
The White Review No. 4

See pictures of the new issue here.



Weeping Machines by Deborah Levy (Fiction)

Brian Dillon (Interview)

Poems by Ben Parker, David Lebor, Tom Chivers and Nia Davies (Poetry)

A Wedding by Jesse Ball (Fiction)

Untitled by Nick van Woert (Art)

Notes on an Unfamiliar Poetry by Orlando Reade (Essay)

Poems by Michael Horovitz (Poetry)

Juergen Teller (Interview & Art)

Poems by Andy Brown and Sarah Howe (Poetry)

If Not Now, When? by Rye Dag Holmboe (Essay)

A Letter That Never Reached England by Matt Lomas (Fiction)

Poems by Paul Hoover and James Brookes (Poetry)

To Give Shape To Life: The Land Art of Julie Brook by Robert Assaye (Art)

Ahdaf Soueif (Interview)

Tibetan Kitsch by Evan Harris (Essay)


Cover: Not Yet Titled by Landon Metz

Poster insert: Renaissance Afternoon by Gabriele Beveridge 



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Prospects for a Happy but Contested Future: The Promise of Revolutionary Humanism   From time immemorial there have been...


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