
The White Review No. 7

The White Review No. 7 can be purchased online and may still be available from the bookshops listed here


Oeuvres by Edouard Levé (tr. Jan Steyn) (Fiction)

Comment is Fraught: A Polemic by Mr Guardianista (Essay)

Luc Tuymans (Art & Interview)

Topsoil by Jesse Loncraine (Fiction)

The Present Hour by Yves Bonnefoy (tr. Beverley Bie Brahic) (Poetry) 

On the Exaggerated Reports of the Decline of British Fiction by Jennifer Hodgson and Patricia Waugh (Essay) 

Talia Chetrit (Art)

Children of God by Peter Stamm (tr. Michael Hofmann) (Fiction)

Keston Sutherland (Interview)

Poems by Oli Hazzard, Joe Luna and Keston Sutherland (Poetry)

Pyramid Schemes: Reading the Shard by Lawrence Lek (Essay)

John Stezaker (Interview & Art)

Bracketing the World: Reading Poetry through Neuroscience by James Wilkes (Poetry)


Cover by Mai-Thu Perret



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