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Aaron Peck
Aaron Peck is the author of The Bewilderments of Bernard Willis and Letters to the Pacific.

Articles Available Online

The Abyss Echoes Back: Judith Schalansky’s ‘An Inventory of Losses’

Book Review

January 2021

Aaron Peck

Book Review

January 2021

Early in Judith Schalansky’s An Inventory of Losses, the narrator describes the way an ancient form of writing survived oblivion. The soft clay tablets...

Book Review

May 2018

Harry Mathews’s ‘The Solitary Twin’

Aaron Peck

Book Review

May 2018

Imagine a small fishing village on the edge of the world. Its inhabitants are progressive and content. The surroundings...

Lydia Davis takes a wry approach to her own biography In 2011, she began assembling a false one, ‘Goodbye Louise, or Who I Am’, composed of the misnomers, inaccurate affiliations and bizarre descriptions attributed to her over the course of her career Born in 1947 in Northampton, Massachusetts, her family background has fabulation built into it: both her parents, Hope Hale Davis and Robert Gorham Davis, were respected authors, who taught writing at a range of American institutions As a student at Barnard College in the late 1960s, Davis took courses in writing and worked in the traditional short story form, some years later developing the oblique, haiku-like vignettes which would upend editors’ and readers’ expectations of the short-story genre and, over subsequent decades, win her prizes and acclaim, from the Chevalier and Officier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres to the Man Booker International Prize   While Davis is best known for the telegraphic, crystalline stories that make up collections such as Can’t and Won’t (2014) and Varieties of Disturbance (2007), to label her an ascetic minimalist is to underserve the breadth of her work, which encompasses translations from French, Dutch, nineteenth-century British English, German and Norwegian; a novel (1995’s The End of the Story); and, more recently, two volumes of essays (the second of which is forthcoming in 2021) The first instalment is a seductive mix of generous writing-advice manifestos, patient odes to favourite authors (Lucia Berlin; Jane Bowles) and lucid excursions into visual arts criticism, while Essays Two zeroes in on Davis’s devotion to the discipline of learning and translating languages, and the academic scuffles that can postscript putting one’s own stamp on sanctified world classics (a typical fit of indignation over her translation of Proust’s Du côté de chez Swann as The Way by Swann’s comes to mind)   Davis lived for a period in the 1970s in France, and is deeply invested in the legacy of world and European letters; nonetheless, in 2019 she took the decision no longer to fly, wanting to acknowledge – to an individually consequential degree – the accelerating climate emergency Amid technical suggestions for improving


May 2017

Aaron Peck


May 2017

Aaron Peck is the author of The Bewilderments of Bernard Willis and Letters to the Pacific.



May 2017

Aaron Peck


May 2017

Bernard, whenever he thought of Geoffrey, would remember his gait on the afternoon of their first meeting. Geoffrey walked with the confidence of a...



July 2012


John Clegg


July 2012

He trepans with the blunt screwdriver on his penknife: unripe figs require the touch of air on flesh to...


March 2012

Swimming Home

Deborah Levy


March 2012

‘Each morning in every family, men, women and children, if they have nothing better to do, tell each other their...


April 2017

Symbols Made Me Hardcore

Joe Bucciero


April 2017

‘A Sound System, like the property of any system, is the interaction of the sum of its parts.’ —...


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