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Anna Aslanyan
Anna Aslanyan is a journalist and translator. She writes for a number of publications - including 3:AM Magazine, the TLS, the Independent and the LRB blog - mainly about literature and arts. Her translations from Russian include Post-post Soviet? Art, Politics and Society in Russia at the Turn of the Decade, a collection of essays focused on Russia's contemporary art scene.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 19

Interview with Álvaro Enrigue

Thomas Bunstead


Issue No. 19

Álvaro Enrigue is a Mexican writer who lives and teaches in New York. A leading light in the Spanish-language...


January 2015

Judge Sa’b

Uday Prakash

TR. Jason Grunebaum


January 2015

Nine years ago, after thirteen years of living in the Rohini neighbourhood of north Delhi, I moved, and came...


Issue No. 13

Interview with Michel Faber

Anna Aslanyan


Issue No. 13

MICHEL FABER’S RANGE OF SUBJECTS – from child abuse to drug abuse, from avant-garde music to leaking houses – is as...


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