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Annelise Finegan Wasmoen
Annelise Finegan Wasmoen is pursuing a Ph.D in Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis. Her translations from Chinese include short stories by Jiang Yun, Lu Min, and Jia Pingwa. Her first book-length translation, Can Xue's The Last Lover (Yale University Press) was longlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the National Translation Award and won the Best Translated Book Award 2015.

Articles Available Online



July 2012

Whatever Happened To Harold Absalon?

Simon Okotie


July 2012

1. The hotel lobby was both cleansed and fragrant, as was the receptionist speaking softly on the phone behind...


April 2014

Lives of the Saints

Luke Neima


April 2014

‘I’m tending to this dead tree,’ he tells me. Last time he was rolling the hard rocks down into...


April 2012

Oradour-sur-Glane: Reflections on the Culture of Memorial in Europe

Will Stone


April 2012

Que nos caravanes s’avancent Vers ce lieu marqué par le sang Une plaie au coeur de la France Y...


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