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Camilla Grudova
Camilla Grudova lives in Scotland where she works as an usher in an old cinema. The Doll's Alphabet was published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in 2017.

Articles Available Online

The Custard Factory


December 2020

Camilla Grudova


December 2020

The explosion happened one mid-morning at the Swan Custard Factory. A dust-cloud of cornstarch was ignited, blowing off the roof of the building, injuring...
Agata's Machine


July 2015

Camilla Grudova


July 2015

Agata and I were both eleven years old when she first introduced me to her machine. We were in all the same classes. She...



Issue No. 14

Interview with Hal Foster

Chris Reitz


Issue No. 14

HAL FOSTER’S WORK FOLLOWS in the tradition of the modernist art critic-historian, a public intellectual whose reflection on, and...

Prize Entry

April 2016

Oh Whistle and

Uschi Gatward

Prize Entry

April 2016

God has very particular political opinions – John le Carré     M is whizzing round the Cheltenham Waitrose,...


February 2011

Interview with Manfredi Beninati

Lowenna Waters


February 2011

Time, memory, the landscape of the mind, manifestation and metamorphosis, resurgence and collapse and the crisp crust of Sicilian...


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