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Chris Newlove Horton
Chris Newlove Horton is a writer living in London.

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Prize Entry

April 2016

Chris Newlove Horton

Prize Entry

April 2016

He said, ‘Tell me about yourself.’ He said, ‘Tell me about you.’ He said, ‘Tell me everything. I’m interested.’ He said, ‘I want to...


April 2015


Chris Newlove Horton


April 2015

It is a two lane road somewhere in North America. The car is pulled onto the shoulder with the...

How imagination remembers is twofold, an enfolded act of greed and ingenuity I believe these impulses to be linked in a narrative sense Imagination is always greedy, never sated, or full, with the present Imagination informs the imagineer: I need more! Just as the belly of the compulsive eater must be filled, so imagination can never be stuffed Memory feeds famished imagination, but memory is a faulty mechanism: a selfish, subjective substance also requiring constant nourishment itself in order to function in any low state   Memory cannot be entrusted with conservation Conservation is a contrary motion moving backwards and forwards, pushing and pulling; forever the desire to move forwards, yet looking forever backwards to ensure it is going the right way, doing the right thing   What conservation requires is proof Conservation needs proof in order to be able to proceed with sureness   This proof is not easy to come by   Detailed systems of discovery and exposure need to be set in place in order to pinpoint such proof Proof is, of course, always contextual and may only be seen as certain if it may be compared with other, very similar things, or processes The definition of verisimilitude depends of course on what sort of proof is it you’re after   The proof of Palácio Pombal is evidenced in what is left behind I’m looking at the proof this was a palácio, not that it still is one I accept I’ve come here to experience closely, to try for clarity And what is called into question, rather what arises as a question from my observations is: How can I be sure?   I’ve carefully read the information I was sent about the Palácio I read it because I felt I should I’m trying to forget what I read I’m trying to forget history, in order to overwrite the fragmented, chronological proofs, kindly translated and supplied upon my request This request to Mariana emerged from my doubt rather than my curiosity We human creatures must find our match in scale   *** Naturally, Palácio Pombal


August 2014

Chris Newlove Horton


August 2014

Chris Newlove Horton is a writer living in London.

James Richards: Not Blacking Out...


December 2011

Chris Newlove Horton


December 2011

Artist James Richards appropriates audio-visual material gathered from a range of sources, which he then edits into elaborate, fragmented collages.   But whereas his...



July 2013

The New Writing

César Aira

TR. Rahul Bery


July 2013

The way I see it, the avant-garde emerged at a point when the professionalisation of artists had consumed itself...


September 2013


Osip Mandelstam

TR. Robert Chandler

TR. Boris Dralyuk


September 2013

Osip Mandelstam was born in Warsaw to a Polish Jewish family; his father was a leather merchant, his mother...


November 2013

Special School

Iphgenia Baal


November 2013


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