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Chris Power

Chris Power lives and works in London. His 'Brief Survey of the Short Story' has appeared in the Guardian since 2007. His fiction has been published in The Stinging FlyThe Dublin Review and The White Review. His first book, Mothers, was published by Faber in 2018.

Articles Available Online

Jamel Brinkley’s ‘A Lucky Man’

Book Review

August 2019

Chris Power

Book Review

August 2019

‘I’m deeply suspicious of the idea that people or characters can suddenly undergo deep and genuine change, or that radical change and true epiphanies...
Gandalf Goes West


June 2015

Chris Power


June 2015

Hal stands in front of the screen. On the screen the words GANDALF GOES EAST.   GO EAST, types Hal.   The cursor flashes....



October 2012

Pressed Up Against the Immediate

Rye Dag Holmboe


October 2012

The author Philip Pullman recently criticised the overuse of the present tense in contemporary literature, a criticism he stretched...


June 2012

At Night the Wife Makes Her Point: Two Poems

Gioconda Belli

TR. Charles Castaldi


June 2012

AT NIGHT, THE WIFE MAKES HER POINT   No. I don’t have Cindy Crawford’s legs. I haven’t spent my...


Issue No. 5

A New Idea of Art: Christoph Schlingensief and the Opera Village Africa

Sarah Hegenbart


Issue No. 5

I think the Opera Village. . . will lead to a new idea of art, and what will emerge...


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