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Clemens J. Setz
Clemens J. Setz was born in 1982 and lives in Graz, Austria. He has received numerous prizes for his work, including the Leipzig Book Fair Prize 2011 (for Die Liebe zur Zeit des Mahlstädter Kindes), the Literature Prize of the City of Bremen 2010, and the Ernst-Willner-Preis at the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition in 2008. In 2009, Setz was shortlisted for the German Book Prize for his novel Die Frequenzen. His latest novel, Indigo, was recently published by Norton and Serpent's Tail in a translation by Ross Benjamin.

Articles Available Online

Why I'm Not a Great Lover


January 2015

Clemens J. Setz

TR. Ross Benjamin


January 2015

Why I’m Not A Great Lover   The circumstances. The zeitgeist.   The inner uncertainty. The lack of belief in something after.   Literature....



April 2017

Everywhere and Nowhere

Vahni Capildeo


April 2017

Part of my reluctance to write on citizenship is that as a poet, a worker in delicate, would-be-truthful language,...


January 2012

Interview with Ryan Gander

Timothée Chaillou


January 2012

London-based conceptual artist Ryan Gander masters the art of storytelling through an immensely complex yet subtly coherent body of...


February 2013

Haitian Art and National Tragedy

Rob Sharp


February 2013

Thousands of Haiti’s poorest call it home: Grand Rue, a district of Port-au-Prince once run by merchants and bankers,...


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