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Courtney DuChene
Courtney DuChene is a poet, journalist, and essayist based in Philadelphia, PA. A current MFA-candidate in the Helen Zell Writers program, her work has been recognized and supported by the Hopwood Awards, the Vermont Studio Center, Bread Loaf Environmental Writers' Conference, and the Napa Valley Writers' Conference. Her poems, essays and interviews have been published or are forthcoming in Philadelphia Stories, Paper Dragon, Glass Mountain, the Michigan Quarterly Review, and The Millions.

Articles Available Online


Prize Entry

June 2023

Courtney DuChene

Prize Entry

June 2023

As I swam in the bathtub, they wondered what they had done to have a fish instead of a daughter. My father sat back...



January 2015

dear angélica

Angélica Freitas

TR. Hilary Kaplan


January 2015

dear angélica   dear angélica I can’t make it I got stuck in the elevator between the ninth and...


March 2013

Strangely Ordinary: Ron Mueck's art of the uncanny

Anouchka Grose


March 2013

Since the Stone Age, people have been concerned with the problem of how to represent life.   Cave paintings...


December 2016

The Giving Up Game

Rowan Hisayo Buchanan


December 2016

The peculiar thing was that Astrid appeared exactly as she did on screen. She was neither taller nor shorter....


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