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Dahmicca Wright

Dahmicca Wright lives in London, where she has worked in TV, film and publishing. She graduated from Oxford's Creative Writing MSt in 2018 and has a poem forthcoming in Wasafiri.

Articles Available Online

The tree has fallen in the middle of the yard,   cracked to quarters during last night’s storm   which played its elegy then left in a rush   The angry lover flips land on its back,   leaves the earth a stripped and stained mattress   Rain has reduced a crab nestled by broken bark   to a small shell rotting in the midday heat   Children gawp at its glistening armour,   imagine its claws break men like molluscs,   then piece its home together, splint by splint   A gardener finally announces its condition   to stop them photographing the battered form   anyone could have mistaken to be sleeping
Playing Dead

Prize Entry

November 2019

Dahmicca Wright



June 2017

Oberhausen Film Festival

Tom Overton


June 2017

Such film festivals – those extraordinary clusters of images, transports of light, of virtual worlds scattered across a real...


April 2015


Chris Newlove Horton


April 2015

It is a two lane road somewhere in North America. The car is pulled onto the shoulder with the...


Issue No. 8

The Cloud of Knowing

John Ashbery


Issue No. 8

There are those who would have paid that. The amount your eyes bonded with (O spangled home) will have...


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