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David Harvey

 David Harvey is the Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Guggenheim Fellowship recipient. He has authored such books as The Condition of Postmodernity (1989), A Brief History of Neoliberalism (2005), and A Companion to Marx's Capital (2010). An interview with Harvey was featured on our website in 2012.

Articles Available Online

Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism


Issue No. 10

David Harvey


Issue No. 10

Prospects for a Happy but Contested Future: The Promise of Revolutionary Humanism   From time immemorial there have been human beings who have believed...



December 2011

Sonic Peace

Minashita Kiriu

TR. Jeffrey Angles


December 2011

Beneath the sun My interchangeable routines Are formed from superfluous things Managing this place is A metal will, swelling...


September 2015

Interview with Allison Katz

Frances Loeffler


September 2015

With the desire to get to know an artist’s work comes the impulse to stick one’s nose in. The...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Tom McCarthy

Fred Fernandez Armesto


Issue No. 1

For those expecting him to be, as the New Statesman called him, ‘the most galling interviewee in Britain’, Tom...


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