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Diego Trelles Paz
Diego Trelles Paz (Lima 1977) is the author of Hudson el redentor/Hudson the Redeemer (Lima, 2001), El círculo de los escritores asesinos/The Circle of Assassin Writers (Barcelona, 2005), and Bioy (Barcelona, 2012), which received the Francisco Casavella Prize and was a finalist for the Rómulo Gallegos Prize in 2013. He holds a doctorate in Hispanic Literature from the University of Texas at Austin and currently lives in Paris.

Articles Available Online

The Surrealist Section of the Harry Ransom Center


Issue No. 2

Diego Trelles Paz

TR. Janet Hendrickson


Issue No. 2

To Enrique Fierro and Ida Vitale—   Just like you, muchachos, I didn’t believe in ghosts, and if I’d heard then one of the...



November 2014

The Last Redoubt

Scott Esposito


November 2014

As they say of politics, I have found essay-writing to be the art of the possible. Certain work can...

Prize Entry

April 2015

Every Woman to the Rope

Joanna Quinn

Prize Entry

April 2015

My father believed the sea to be covetous: a pleading dog that would lap at you adoringly, sidling up...


August 2013

To the Woman

Adam Seelig


August 2013


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