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Elsa Court
Elsa Court is a writer and researcher living in London. Her book on transatlantic representations of the American highway is forthcoming with Palgrave Macmillan. She writes a monthly column on immigration and identity for the Financial Times.

Articles Available Online

Postcards from Peripheral France

Book Review

April 2019

Elsa Court

Book Review

April 2019

‘When I arrived in Paris for school, all these bourgeois kids would say Eddy Bellegueule, what a funny name.’   A year before the...



March 2013

Interview with Amit Chaudhuri

Anita Sethi


March 2013

Think of the long trip home.  Should we have stayed at home and thought of here?  Where should we...


Issue No. 9

Ordinary Voids

Ed Aves

Patrick Langley


Issue No. 9

I am standing in a parallelogram of shrubbery outside London City Airport. Ed is twisting a dial on his Mamiya...


January 2016

Interview with Marlene van Niekerk

Jan Steyn


January 2016

Marlene Van Niekerk is the foremost Afrikaans writer of her generation. She is a renowned poet, scholar, critic, and...


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