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Erica X Eisen
Erica X Eisen's work has appeared or is forthcoming in The New York Times, The Paris Review Daily, The Guardian, Hazlitt, The Threepenny Review, The New Inquiry, The Harvard Review, and elsewhere. She received her bachelor's degree in History of Art & Architecture from Harvard and her MA from The Courtauld Institute of Art.

Articles Available Online

Under the Eye of the Clock

Art Review

January 2019

Erica X Eisen

Art Review

January 2019

In an early episode of Camus’s The Plague (1947), Tarrou, one of the last victims of an epidemic in the Algerian city of Oran,...



October 2014

Noise & Cardboard: Object Collection's Operaticism

Ellery Royston

Object Collection


October 2014

The set is made of painted cardboard. Four performers grab clothes from a large pile and feedback emanates from...


September 2015

Sightlines: James Turrell

Gareth Evans


September 2015

For, and in memory of, Jules Wright   Approach   It is a pleasure too rarely realised to venture...


December 2016

The Giving Up Game

Rowan Hisayo Buchanan


December 2016

The peculiar thing was that Astrid appeared exactly as she did on screen. She was neither taller nor shorter....


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