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Freya Jackson
Freya Jackson won a Northern Writers Award New Poets Prize in 2019. She won 2nd place in the 2020 Walter Swan Poetry Competition (18-25 category) and 2nd place in the 2020 Hive young writers competition (20-30 category). She has an MA in Poetry and Poetics from the University of York and lives in Leeds.

Articles Available Online

                                                we pass through a series of moral systems –                             the accumulations of good acts, the weighing of bad, we note cicatrices of consequence   for as many as twenty generations after,                             we count the number of words spoken and                                             how many were wrong The function of moral                                               systems differ according to era: historical                             relativism rewrites the language of accounting Some ghosts may choose to visit facsimiles   of dead ancestors and punish them eternally,                             leaving them raped and blood-bound, but                                             we must remember this is an unmoderated                                               activity: there are over five billion cases                             pending appeal; accounting might have the raw data but they lack the resources   to form conclusions I have been                             counted, meted; upside down I do not                                           move the water, the water moves me
From: Acheron


February 2021

Freya Jackson



February 2011

Novelty and revolt: why there is no such thing as a Twitter revolution

Nadia Khomami


February 2011

The world is seeing an increase in the use of social media as a tool for mobilisation and protest....


December 2012

Confessions of an Agoraphobic Victim

Dylan Trigg


December 2012

The title of my essay has been stolen from another essay written in 1919.[1] In this older work, the...


March 2017

Interview with Ondjaki

Stephen Henighan


March 2017

Ondjaki is the most prominent African writer of Portuguese from the generations born after Portugal’s five former colonies on...


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