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Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijałkowska

Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijałkowska's poems have been published in numerous journals and newspapers, in her native Polish as well as in English, German, Czech, Russian and Slovene translations. Her most recent bilingual collection, of me a worm and of the worm verses (2012), was published by OFF_PRESS in London. Having twice been awarded the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage scholarship, she still lives and works in Mikołów.

Articles Available Online

Three Poems from Strawberry Aftertaste/ Ostateczny Smak Truskawek


January 2013

Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijałkowska

TR. Marek Kazmierski


January 2013

  * * * zieleń jest zielona   z rana przymrozki   czujesz to w ziemi   w białej sukience   dalej przechodzą  ...



Issue No. 13

Interview with Michel Faber

Anna Aslanyan


Issue No. 13

MICHEL FABER’S RANGE OF SUBJECTS – from child abuse to drug abuse, from avant-garde music to leaking houses – is as...


September 2015

The Afternoon

Wolfgang Hilbig

TR. Isabel Fargo Cole


September 2015

Nothing new on Bahnhofstrasse! — These are the first words to occur to me upon arrival. With the word...


June 2011

Interview with Jorge Semprun

TR. Jacques Testard

Pierre Testard

Gwénaël Pouliquen


June 2011

The great Spanish-born writer Jorge Semprún died on Tuesday 8 June 2011 in Paris, aged 87. A Spanish Civil...


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