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Harriet Moore
Harriet Moore is a poet and literary agent from South London. Her work has been published in Clinic and Ambit amongst others.

Articles Available Online

I settle up with Mother Sugar My rent for the winter is one confession, the deposit for the suit is a letter to the man who requested I wear it The bell is free (my own burden)   1 To open it, is to experience an event of whiteness, what Bachelard wrote about the almond of a wardrobe’s insides My heart is an almond, lost all its colour Don’t come upon it suddenly, it is very jeune fille, very little fellow, not for the opening   2 Dear […] I didn’t know I was a dog you didn’t want The dog’s religion: You whistled and I came
Extract from 'The Marriage Bureau'

Prize Entry

November 2017

Harriet Moore



November 2016

Harriet Moore


November 2016

Forgive me Sister for I have sinned it’s been seconds since my last confession. I sit in the dark accounting compassion. Shamefully small change,...



June 2017


Nicola Lagioia

TR. Antony Shugaar


June 2017

A pale three-quarter moon lit up the state highway at two in the morning. The road connected the province...


Issue No. 10

Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism

David Harvey


Issue No. 10

Prospects for a Happy but Contested Future: The Promise of Revolutionary Humanism   From time immemorial there have been...


July 2013

Occupy Gezi: From the Fringes to the Centre, and Back Again

Alexander Christie-Miller


July 2013

Taksim Square appears at first a wide, featureless and unlovely place. It is a ganglion of roads and bus...


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