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Heathcote Williams
Heathcote Williams  most recent work is The Poetry Army, a manifestation of subversive poetry from the Peasants’ Revolt to Occupy Wall Street. It’s about to begin an Arts Council tour fronted by Roy Hutchins. His video collaborations with Alan Cox can be seen on Killing Kit, a play about the life and death of Christopher Marlowe, was staged in a dramatized reading at the Cockpit Theatre, London in February, 2014.

Articles Available Online

Burroughs in London


March 2014

Heathcote Williams


March 2014

I first met William Burroughs in 1963. I was working for a now defunct literary magazine called Transatlantic Review and we were planning to...



October 2012

Saint Anthony the Hermit Tortured by Devils

Stephen Devereux


October 2012

  Sassetta has him feeling no pain, comfortable even, Yet stiffly dignified at an odd angle like the statue...


October 2015

The Bird Thing

Julianne Pachico


October 2015

You are worried about the bird thing but that’s the last thing you want to think about right now,...


Issue No. 2

The Brothel

Kit Buchan


Issue No. 2

I unearthed a little brothel in the spring of forty-three, It was captained by a midwife who was ninety...


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