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Jacob Bromberg
Jacob Bromberg is a multi-media poet and translator, as well as a contributing editor at The White Review. His collaboration with Camille Henrot, Grosse Fatigue, won the Silver Lion at the 2013 Venice Biennale. His work has appeared in/been exhibited at The Paris ReviewThe Believer, The Palais de Tokyo, Le MondeColor TreasuryGruppen, and the Fiorucci Art Trust’s Volcano Extravaganza, among other venues.

Articles Available Online

In conversation: Jacob Bromberg and Zoë Hitzig


October 2020

Jacob Bromberg

Zoë Hitzig


October 2020

Zoë Hitzig’s first book of poems, MEZZANINE, is animated by a prismatic intelligence that alternately focuses and refracts different wavelengths of power at work...



August 2016

The Place of the Bridge

Jennifer Kabat


August 2016

I.   Look up. A woman tumbles from the sky, her dress billowing around her like a parachute as...


April 2014

Lives of the Saints

Luke Neima


April 2014

‘I’m tending to this dead tree,’ he tells me. Last time he was rolling the hard rocks down into...


Issue No. 2

Letter to Jim Jarmusch [Broken Flowers]

Jon Thompson


Issue No. 2

What they’ll know of us in future years: the large interiors of our suburban homes were designed by others...


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