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Janet Hendrickson
Janet Hendrickson translated The Future Is Not Ours (ed. Diego Trelles Paz), an anthology of fiction by young Latin American writers, and has published translations of fiction and essays in Granta, Zoetrope: All-Story, n+1, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in nonfiction writing from the University of Iowa and is a PhD student in Hispanic Literature at Cornell.

Articles Available Online



September 2014

On the Ground

Teju Cole


September 2014

I visited Palestine in early June 2014, just before the latest wave of calamity befell its people. For eight...


May 2015

Interview with Maggie Nelson

Jess Cotton


May 2015

Nothing, it seems, falls outside Maggie Nelson’s field of inquiry. The author of four books of poetry and five...


January 2016

Interview with Marlene van Niekerk

Jan Steyn


January 2016

Marlene Van Niekerk is the foremost Afrikaans writer of her generation. She is a renowned poet, scholar, critic, and...


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