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Jess Cotton
Jess Cotton is a writer living in London. Her work has appeared in Harper's Magazine and the Financial Times, among other publications.

Articles Available Online

Alicia Kopf's ‘Brother in Ice’

Book Review

August 2018

Jess Cotton

Book Review

August 2018

Towards the beginning of Brother in Ice, the debut novel by Catalan artist Alicia Kopf, is a photograph of the American explorer Frederick Cook...
The Good Soldier


October 2013

Jess Cotton


October 2013

Two hundred names are inscribed in a totemic list that opens Alice Oswald’s Memorial. The deaths of the Greek heroes, recounted over 400 pages in...



August 2016

Interview with Daniel Sinsel

Rosanna Mclaughlin


August 2016

In the decade after leaving Chelsea School of Art in 2002, Daniel Sinsel made a name for himself with...


October 2013

A World of Sharp Edges: A Week Among Poets in the Western Cape

André Naffis-Sahely


October 2013

In Antal Szerb’s The Incurable, the eccentric millionaire Peter Rarely steps into the dining car of a train steaming...


Issue No. 8

Barking From the Margins: On écriture féminine

Lauren Elkin


Issue No. 8

 I. Two moments in May May 2, 2011. The novelists Siri Hustvedt and Céline Curiol are giving a talk...


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