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Jesse Loncraine
Jesse Loncraine studied English Literature at Bristol, and later, Violence, Conflict and Development at SOAS (The School of Oriental and African Studies), with an emphasis on the Khmer Rouge trials in Cambodia, and the prosecution of atrocity crimes. Since then he has worked on documentaries, written and taught about the International Criminal Court, been a landscape gardener in New York, and worked in a bowling alley bar. Throughout these jobs he has been writing fiction. Jesse has three short stories published in The White Review, and is currently writing his first novel. 

Articles Available Online

Collapse - A Memoir


January 2012

Jesse Loncraine


January 2012

Author’s Note   I began writing about the war five years after it was over; a war the world witnessed from afar but for...
In the Field


March 2011

Jesse Loncraine


March 2011

There were flickers of red in the water, a tint the colour of blood. He stood in the river, naked as a stone, and...



Issue No. 4

Mysteries of Music

Michael Horovitz


Issue No. 4

Having absently, that’s to say dozily switched on BBC Radio 3 down in the kitchen as is my frequent...


Issue No. 2

Interview with Richard Wentworth

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 2

Richard Wentworth is among the most influential artists alive in Britain. He emerged in the 1970s as part of...


October 2011

This is not the place: Perec, the Situationists and Belleville

Karl Whitney


October 2011

I stood near the columbarium at Père Lachaise cemetery. I was there to see the locker-like vault containing the...


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