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Julia Kozakiewicz
Julia Kozakiewicz is a researcher and curator based in Amsterdam, Netherlands with links to Warsaw, London, and Berlin. She has worked closely to support the work of multiple international artists, thinkers and filmmakers inside major museums and institutions across the world. With a focus on moving image and photography, Julia explores notions of social and environmental justice, memory and identity in times of conflict.

Articles Available Online



January 2015

Litanies of an Audacious Rosary

Enrique Vila-Matas

TR. Rosalind Harvey


January 2015

FEBRUARY 2008   * I’m outraged, but I’ve learned a way of reasoning that quickly defuses my exasperation. This...


October 2015

Interview with Marine Hugonnier

Izabella Scott


October 2015

Like the figures found in a spread of Tarot cards, an artist can assume a variety of viewpoints and characters...


Issue No. 5

Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 5

Hans Ulrich Obrist is a compulsive note taker. For the duration of our interview one hand twitches a pen...


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