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Ka Bradley
Ka Bradley is a commissioning editor at Granta Books and the Associate Text Editor at Springback magazine. Her theatre and dance reviews have appeared in the Observer, Time Out, The Stage and Exeunt.

Articles Available Online

Jorge Consiglio’s ‘Fate’

Book Review

July 2020

Ka Bradley

Book Review

July 2020

Relationships can be long and snaking, cutting like train tracks through the varied landscapes of a life, and they can be short, stuttering, brief...



November 2014

Lay and Other Poems

Pere Gimferrer

TR. Adrian Nathan West


November 2014

Ode to Venice Before the Sea of Theaters (from Arde el mar, 1966)   The false cups, the poison,...


September 2014

On the Ground

Teju Cole


September 2014

I visited Palestine in early June 2014, just before the latest wave of calamity befell its people. For eight...


December 2016

Interview with Caragh Thuring

Harry Thorne


December 2016

When I first visited Caragh Thuring in her east London studio, there was an old man lurking in the...


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