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Kaleem Hawa

Kaleem Hawa has written about art, film, and literature for the New York Review of Books, The Nation, and Artforum, among others.

Articles Available Online

Hating it Lush: On Tel Aviv


May 2023

Kaleem Hawa


May 2023

I   They made the desert bloom, tall sparkling towers and clean Bauhaus lines, and apple-ring acacias, and teal blue shuttle buses, and stock...


Issue No. 28

Three poems from issue 28

Sarah Barnsley

Valzhyna Mort

Kaleem Hawa


Issue No. 28

Valzhyna Mort, ‘Music for Girl’s Voice and Bison’   Sarah Barnsley, ‘Virginia Woolf Has Fallen Over’   Kaleem Hawa,...

Like so much of the dialogue that marks time across Lars Iyer’s books, this conversation began in the pub Of course, given the Dictaphone on the table it wasn’t really a conversation at all, but as the afternoon wore on the chat became more freewheeling As in Iyer’s books, topics bounced from the exhilarating to the banal – from music, sex, and work, to unprintable anecdotes, unrealised projects, and work By this point the recorder was off but we continued via email to follow up some of those incoherent, half-remembered thoughts   Iyer’s latest novel Exodus is the finale of the ‘Lars and W’ trilogy, which began with Spurious in 2011 The novels are based on Iyer’s life as an academic in the UK, and by now the fiction has nearly caught up with its reality – just as Iyer’s Spurious emerged from a collective blog, in Exodus Lars and W start up their own blog which collapses under the weight of Lars’s continuous updates (We might hope for a future trilogy in which ‘Lars’ writes Spurious, Dogma and Exodus all over again) Iyer has said that Exodus is his attempt at a ‘big book, a comic Book of Revelations’, and religiosity and end-times abound – everything from Vedic scripture to Rastafarian eschatology – as the lecturer-heroes embark on their own uncertain exodus into the desert of neoliberal Britain   In 2011, The White Review published Iyer’s ‘Nude in Your Hot Tub, Facing the Abyss’, a manifesto against literature and against manifestos Its bleakly funny provocation reminded me of a scene from the Simpsons – a call to ‘prove me wrong kids … prove me wrong’   At the same time, in calling for a literature that addresses its own marginality, it seemed hopeful A recurring motif in Iyer’s work is to think against a doomed situation from within – the suburbs, Britain, the apocalypse – and his books suggest a similar escape, a way out of literature through literature It’s true that Iyer’s fiction can be glossed pretty quickly – following some of the best traditions of twentieth century art, not a lot happens


November 2019

Kaleem Hawa


November 2019

Kaleem Hawa has written about art, film, and literature for the New York Review of Books, The Nation, and...

after Mahmoud Darwish    Why is a boy an exclamation,  and why are his dead a period?,  why do his sinews tighten when he sees  a Palestinian body? Does his vision narrow  because of their flight,  or because their world is raining with salt?  Why is a boy with a gun different  from a boy with a jail cell?,  if the tools of rupture are our arms for  repurposing the body, and the arms of  the state are our means of repurposing the male,  are we finally useful and breathing and nervous…?  Does the white mean Night’s arrival?,  or does night signal the white’s escape?,  and when that white city boy becomes  a White City man,  does the hate in his heart subside?,  or does it become an ellipses,  a Bauhaus history of stories started  and left unfinished 
You Arrive at A White Checkpoint and Emerge Unscathed

Prize Entry

November 2019

Kaleem Hawa



November 2011

Nude in your hot tub...

Lars Iyer


November 2011

I. Down from the Mountain   Once upon a time, writers were like gods, and lived in the mountains....


Issue No. 8

Thank You For Your Email

Jack Underwood


Issue No. 8

Two years ago I was walking up a mountain path having been told of excellent views from the summit....


September 2011

In the Aisles

Clemens Meyer


September 2011

Before I became a shelf-stacker and spent my evenings and nights in the aisles of the cash and carry...


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