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Katherine Silver
Katherine Silver’s most recent translations include works by Martín Adán, Horacio Castellanos Moya, César Aira, and Marcos Giralt Torrente. Her translation of Daniel Sada's Almost Never was published by Graywolf Press in 2012. Her translation of One Out of Two, excerpted here, is forthcoming from Graywolf Press in November 2015. She is the director of the Banff International Literary Translation Centre.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 14

Lenin was a Mushroom

Thomas Dylan Eaton


Issue No. 14

Cast as the ‘savage, ugly’ part in the Popular Mechanics live show, Necrorealists were radical artists in their own...

Prize Entry

April 2017

The Critic of Tombs

Ethan Davison

Prize Entry

April 2017

Emilia came to Tombs [1] in the twelfth year of the interregnum. It was the first time in history...


March 2011

Trafalgar Square Street Protests

Cosmo Hildyard

Joseph de Lacey


March 2011

The following photographs were taken during the third day of student protests in London on 1 December 2010, a...


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