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Katy Derbyshire
Katy Derbyshire is a London-born translator who lives in Berlin. She translates contemporary German writers including Clemens Meyer, Inka Parei, Helene Hegemann, Simon Urban and Christa Wolf. Katy co-hosts Berlin’s monthly translation lab and runs a literary cabaret dedicated to women of the past, The Dead Ladies Show. She has led translation workshops in Berlin, Leipzig, New Delhi, New York and Norwich.

Articles Available Online



November 2015

Anatomy of a Democracy: Javier Cercas

Duncan Wheeler


November 2015

20 November marks the fortieth anniversary of the death of General Franco. And while the insurrectionist’s victory in the...


May 2012

Interview with Jonathan Safran Foer

Jacques Testard


May 2012

Much has been written about the precocity and talent of Jonathan Safran Foer, whose debut novel Everything is Illuminated...


September 2014

Missing Footage

Raphael Rubinstein


September 2014

The discovery of absences (lacks, lacunae) and their definition must in turn lead the filmmaker as composer to the...


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