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Keith Gessen
Keith Gessen was born in Moscow in 1975 and emigrated to the United States with his family in 1981. He is a founder of the literary magazine n+1 and the author of All the Sad Young Literary Men. From Russian he has translated Ludmilla Petrushevskaya and Svetlana Alexievich, and has written about Russian politics and culture for the New Yorker, the London Review of Books, and n+1.

Articles Available Online



January 2016

Two New Poems

Elena Fanailova

TR. Eugene Ostashevsky


January 2016

(POEM FOR ZHADAN)   This (my) country will be the death of you Its military mathematics Its secret services...


Issue No. 7

Comment is Fraught: A Polemic

Mr Guardianista


Issue No. 7

When not listening to the phone messages of recently deceased children or smearing those killed in stadium disasters, journalists...


Issue No. 17

Harmless Like You

Rowan Hisayo Buchanan


Issue No. 17

Interstate 95, September 2016   Celeste sat on the front seat wearing her black turtleneck sweater. She had three...


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