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Lars Iyer

Lars Iyer teaches philosophy at Newcastle University, and is the author of the novels Spurious, Dogma, and Exodus, which was shortlisted for the 2013 Goldsmiths Prize. His latest novel is Wittgenstein Jr (2014). He is a member of the Folio Prize Academy. He blogs regularly at

Articles Available Online

Nude in your hot tub...


November 2011

Lars Iyer


November 2011

I. Down from the Mountain   Once upon a time, writers were like gods, and lived in the mountains. They were either destitute hermits...


Prize Entry

April 2017

/gosha rubchinskiy/

Christopher Burkham

Prize Entry

April 2017

1. APARTMENT INTERIOR/MORNING/BELYAYEVO, MOCKBA, ROSSIJSKAJA FEDERACIJA…   There is a T-shirt on the desk in front of him.  ...


May 2013

Interview with Darian Leader

Kishani Widyaratna


May 2013

A practicing Lacanian psychoanalyst, Darian Leader is one of a dying breed. It is no overstatement to say that...


April 2012

Ryan Trecartin: The Real Internet is Inside You

Patrick Langley


April 2012

 ‘What’s that buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing?’ Marshall McLuhan   1: Your Original Is Having A Complete Human Change Meltdown Makeover   It’s...


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