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Leon Craig
Leon Craig is a writer and editor based in Berlin. She has written for the TLS, the Literary ReviewAnother Gaze and the London Magazine among others. Her queer gothic short story collection Parallel Hells is published by Sceptre Books and she is currently working on her first novel The Decadence.

Articles Available Online

Cosy Violence

Book Review

June 2023

Leon Craig

Book Review

June 2023

The 22 year old Australian narrator of K Patrick’s sensuous, subversive debut novel is a long way from home. A matron at an unnamed...


September 2021

Lick the Dust

Leon Craig


September 2021

When you misplace something in the library here, it stays lost for a very long time. The eighteenth-century catalogue...

If you look into infinity what do you see? Your backside!  –Tristan Tzara   The drug-addict, drunk, wife-shooter and writer William Burroughs used to tell a story about a man who teaches his anus to talk The orifice eventually takes over his life and kills him Wildlife can be as least as weird as the imagination of Burroughs Consider the Crown of Thorns starfish Instead of a head it has an anus on the top of its body, while its mouth – a round hole equipped with inward-pointing teeth at the centre of the radiating arms – is in the middle of its underside   This positioning is less unusual than you might think Having a mouth underneath and an anus on top is ideal if you want to eat crud on the seafloor, and this is how the ancestors of the Crown of Thorns started out Many of its distant cousins, among them starfish and sea cucumbers, still pursue that lifestyle (On the abyssal plains, the so-called desert of the deep sea floor, large herds of sea cucumbers are constantly grazing on the detritus that has fallen from above They are the night-soil men of the deep in a holothurian heaven) Unlike these animals, however, the Crown of Thorns is no longer a scavenger, having acquired a taste for living flesh Dressed in brilliant shades of purple, blue, orange red, white and grey and with anything from seven to twenty-three (but usually about fifteen) rays around a central dome, it bristles with poisonous spikes – a submarine version of Pinhead, the extradimensional being in the horror film Hellraiser   Many creatures in the garden of earthly delights that is a tropical coral reef have more charm than the Crown of Thorns (Pfeffer’s Flamboyant Cuttlefish, which turn itself startling hues of purple and pink at will while posturing like an actor in Noh theatre, is one of my favourites) But few are more compulsively unsettling than the Crown of Thorns, and few are as like us in their power to consume and destroy once they set to work   The claim


April 2016

Leon Craig


April 2016

Leon Craig is a writer and editor based in Berlin. She has written for the TLS, the Literary Review, Another Gaze and the London Magazine among...

Art Review

April 2019

Oscar Wilde Temple, Studio Voltaire

Leon Craig

Art Review

April 2019

The light is dim, the air richly scented. Little purple tea lights flicker in the votive candle rack and...

[Getting] Down with Gal Pals


November 2018

Leon Craig


November 2018

There’s a moment in Laura Kaye’s underrated novel English Animals when the protagonist Mirka, sitting in the village bar with her married lover, notices...
Mute Canticle

Prize Entry

April 2016

Leon Craig

Prize Entry

April 2016

Giulio the singing fascist came to pick me up from the little airport in his Jeep. He made sure to come round and hold...



May 2017

Interview with Hari Kunzru

Michael Barron


May 2017

In the summer of 2008, the English novelist Hari Kunzru left London for New York City after accepting a fellowship at...


September 2017

On The White Review Anthology

The Editors


September 2017

Valentine’s Day 2010, Brooklyn: an intern at the Paris Review skips his shift as an undocumented worker at an...


Issue No. 12

Interview with Yvonne Rainer

Orit Gat


Issue No. 12

TWO DAYS BEFORE WE WERE SCHEDULED TO MEET, Yvonne Rainer walked into the gallery I was looking after for...


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