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Ludmila Khersonsky
Ludmila Khersonsky is author of three collections of poetry and a professional translator. Her poetry has been honoured with the Voloshin Prize and translated into several languages. The Country Where Everyone’s Name is Fear, a selection of her poetry and her husband Boris Khersonsky’s, edited by Ilya Kaminsky and Katie Farris, will be published in English in April 2022.

Articles Available Online

Two Poems


March 2022

Ludmila Khersonsky

TR. Maya Chhabra


March 2022

Russian invader, forget all about chivalry, Fear female revenge and female conspiracy, Fear Ukrainian girls, Molotov cocktails in hand,



January 2015

dear angélica

Angélica Freitas

TR. Hilary Kaplan


January 2015

dear angélica   dear angélica I can’t make it I got stuck in the elevator between the ninth and...


Issue No. 17

Ada Kaleh

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 17

When King Carol II of Romania set foot on the tiny Danubian island of Ada Kaleh on 4 May...


Issue No. 11

Literature in a Distracted Era

Adam Thirlwell


Issue No. 11

There are two categories in the literary system I’d like to celebrate at high speed: the lonely writer, and...


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