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Marina Cashdan
Marina Cashdan has been a regular contributor to Frieze, Artinfo, Wallpaper, Whitewall, Departures, The New York Times Magazine, and The Huffington Post. Most recently she was the executive editor at Modern Painters. She is currently pursuing research grants in the arts and working on various curatorial and book projects.

Articles Available Online



December 2013

When We Were Here: The 1990s in Film

Masha Tupitsyn


December 2013

‘I remember touch. Pictures came with touch.’ -Daft Punk, ‘Touch’   In the 1990s, three important pre post-reality films...


June 2015

Gandalf Goes West

Chris Power


June 2015

Hal stands in front of the screen. On the screen the words GANDALF GOES EAST.   GO EAST, types...


February 2014

Starting with a Bang: Hannah Höch and The First International Dada Fair

Daniel F. Herrmann


February 2014

A spectre haunted the Lützow-Ufer – the spectre of Dadaism. It hung from the ceiling and peered down from the...


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