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Maryam Monalisa Gharavi

Maryam Monalisa Gharavi is a writer and filmmaker, and has contributed poetry, essays, critical writing, and solo/collaborative videos and films to a variety of venues. She writes the blog South/South and is editor-at-large at The New Inquiry. She currently teaches at Harvard University.


Articles Available Online

NEOLOGISM: How words do things with words


June 2013

Maryam Monalisa Gharavi


June 2013

A version of this paper was delivered at the Global Art Forum at Art Dubai in March 2013. The abstract to which the author...


Prize Entry

April 2017


Ed Lately

Prize Entry

April 2017

The apology had been the most charged and contested gesture between us, the common element in arguments whose subjects...


Issue No. 12

After After

Johanna Drucker


Issue No. 12

So many things are ‘over’ now that all the post- and neo- prefixes are themselves suffering from fatigue. Even...


July 2014

Another month, another year, another crisis: eleven years in Beirut

Paul Cochrane


July 2014

Rumours of impending conflict can wreak a particular type of havoc. This is not as physically manifest as the...


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