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Masande Ntshanga
Masande Ntshanga is the Caine Prize nominated winner of the 2013 PEN International New Voices Award. He was born in East London in 1986 and graduated with a degree in Film and Media and an Honours degree in English Studies from UCT, where he became a creative writing fellow, completing his Masters in Creative Writing under the Mellon Mays Foundation. He received a Fulbright Award and an NRF Freestanding Masters scholarship. His stories have appeared in Laugh It Off, itch, Imago and Habitat. He has also written for Rolling Stone magazine. The Reactive, excerpted here, was nominated for the Etisalat Prize for Fiction and shortlised for The Sunday Times Fiction Prize. It is forthcoming in the US with Two Dollar Radio.

Articles Available Online

The Reactive


February 2016

Masande Ntshanga


February 2016

My back cramps on the toilet bowl. I stretch it. Then I take two more painkillers and look down at the space between my...



September 2011

First Blimp

Joshua Trotter


September 2011

Removing colour from my thoughts, I formed a winter ball. I threw it. The dead were uncounted. There was...


August 2016

Interview with Brian Evenson

J. W. McCormack


August 2016

There are at least three Brian Evensons, all of them EXCEEDINGLY IMPROBABLE. First, there’s Brian Evenson, the prolific author of...


March 2015

Wedding Watcher

Helle Helle

TR. Martin Aitken


March 2015

I strayed into the church on an impulse. It was a mistake to get off the bus in the...


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