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Matthew James Holman
Matthew James Holman is a researcher, poet, and critic. Matthew’s writing can be found in Frieze, Burlington Contemporary, The White Review and Apollo. He finished his PhD, on the curatorial career of Frank O’Hara, in 2020, and teaches at University College London and Queen Mary University of London.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Peter Gizzi


August 2020

Matthew James Holman


August 2020

I first met Peter Gizzi in early March, when he gave a reading for about 150 people in a cramped backroom of SET, a...



Issue No. 18

The Disquieting Muses

Leslie Jamison


Issue No. 18

I.   In Within Heaven and Hell (1996), Ellen Cantor’s voice-over tells the story of a doomed love affair...

Prize Entry

April 2016

clerical error

Victoria Manifold

Prize Entry

April 2016

Due to a clerical error on my part, the current Prime Minister is now living in the box room...


April 2012

The Disappearance

Dana Goodyear


April 2012

A yellow veil dropped down at evening, and when it lifted everyone was gone. Good mothers fled their young...


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