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Nir Baram
Nir Baram was born in Jerusalem in 1976. He has worked as a journalist and an editor, and as an advocate for equal rights for Palestinians. His novels have been translated into more than ten languages and received critical acclaim around the world. His most recent book is a work of reportage, Walking the Green Line. Good People will be published by Text in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States later this year.

Articles Available Online

Good People


January 2016

Nir Baram

TR. Jeffrey Green


January 2016

Good People opens in Berlin in 1938. Thomas Heiselberg has grand plans to make the company he works for the biggest market-research group in Europe....



Issue No. 3


Lee Rourke

Oliver Griffin


Issue No. 3

ES9 is the latest body of work by Oliver Griffin in his archival series The Evaluation of Space. Taken...


October 2015

Interview with Marine Hugonnier

Izabella Scott


October 2015

Like the figures found in a spread of Tarot cards, an artist can assume a variety of viewpoints and characters...


Issue No. 3

Dead Unicorns: Apocalyptic Anxiety in Canadian Art

Vanessa Nicholas


Issue No. 3

David Altmejd’s installation for the Canada Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale was a complex labyrinth of ferns, nests...


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