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O. H. Fletcher
O. H. Fletcher is a writer of fiction and non-fiction. She has worked collaboratively with artists and gallerists in London and the US. In 2017, she was Writer-in-Residence at Rule Gallery, Marfa, Texas, where she worked on a text exploring an archival exhibition of artists involved in Drop City, 1965–71, an artist’s commune based in Trinidad, Colorado.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Sin Wai Kin


September 2021

O. H. Fletcher


September 2021

During a performance of A View From Elsewhere (2019), Toronto-born artist Sin Wai Kin wore a floor length gown with matching evening gloves. As...



Issue No. 10

Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism

David Harvey


Issue No. 10

Prospects for a Happy but Contested Future: The Promise of Revolutionary Humanism   From time immemorial there have been...


October 2013

A World of Sharp Edges: A Week Among Poets in the Western Cape

André Naffis-Sahely


October 2013

In Antal Szerb’s The Incurable, the eccentric millionaire Peter Rarely steps into the dining car of a train steaming...


March 2013

Celan Reads Japanese

Yoko Tawada

TR. Susan Bernofsky


March 2013

There are some who claim that ‘good’ literature is actually untranslatable.  Before I could read German, I found this...


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