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Oli Hazzard
Oli Hazzard was born in Bristol in 1986 and studied English at University College London and the University of Bristol. His first collection, Between Two Windows, was published by Carcanet in 2012 and received the Michael Murphy Memorial Prize last year. Oli’s poetry has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies including The Forward Book of Poetry 2010Best British Poetry 2011The Salt Book of Younger PoetsNew Poetries V and Test Centre Three. He is currently a DPhil student at the University of Oxford, writing his thesis on John Ashbery and English poets.

Articles Available Online



September 2014

Interview with Laure Prouvost

Alice Hattrick


September 2014

Laure Prouvost begins to tell us about something that happened this morning. She woke up with four vegetables on...


April 2017

Two Poems

Fady Joudah


April 2017

EUROPA AND THE BULL   The boat was loaded on a truck. The truck took me to the border....


July 2014

Operation Paperclip

Naomi Pearce

Patrick Goddard


July 2014

‘I began at this point to feel that politics was not something “out there” but something “in here” and of...


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