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Peter Bichsel
Peter Bichsel, born in 1935 in Lucerne, became known for his debut collection of stories, And Really Frau Blum Would Very Much Like to Meet the Milkman (1964) and his first novel, The Seasons (1965), which was awarded the Gruppe 47 Prize. He has since authored more than twenty books and hundreds of columns for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Articles Available Online

A Table is a Table


March 2017

Peter Bichsel

TR. Lydia Davis


March 2017

I want to tell a story about an old man, a man who no longer says a word, has a tired face, too tired...



July 2013

Love Dog

Masha Tupitsyn


July 2013

11 22 2011 – LOVE DOG     For months Hamlet has been floating around. Its book covers popping...


Issue No. 10

Interview with Jacques Rancière

Rye Dag Holmboe


Issue No. 10

Jacques Rancière came into prominence in 1968 when, under the auspices of his teacher Louis Althusser, he contributed to...


Issue No. 4

Mysteries of Music

Michael Horovitz


Issue No. 4

Having absently, that’s to say dozily switched on BBC Radio 3 down in the kitchen as is my frequent...


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