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Philippa Snow
Philippa Snow is a critic and essayist. Her work has appeared in publications including ArtforumThe Los Angeles Review of BooksArtReviewFriezeVogueThe NationThe New Statesman, and The New Republic. Her first book, Which As You Know Means Violence, is out now with Repeater, and she is currently working on an essay collection about famous women.  

Articles Available Online

You Don’t Think God Is Sexy?

Film Review

January 2023

Philippa Snow

Film Review

January 2023

On the most literal level, Pier Paolo Pasolini’s elliptical, spiritual-cum-sensual movie Teorema (1968) is about an entire family being driven to distraction by their...


Issue No. 31

It's Terrible The Things I Have To Do To Be Me

Philippa Snow


Issue No. 31

Here was a woman who had modelled her life so closely on Marilyn Monroe’s that doing so eventually helped...

The picturesque lightshow that, once the sun has set, takes place on the hour, every hour, when the Eiffel Tower is lit up for five minutes by thousands of coruscating bulbs, stops with a final spasm at 1 am It was unlit when I reached it at 3 am on a damp Monday morning The surrounding streets were deserted   When I set off across the Champs de Mars in order to stand beneath the Tower, my footsteps disturbed several rats that had been eating from the ruined litterbins full of tourists’ droppings The rats loped across the path in front of me and disappeared into the dirty pools of darkness beneath the nearby trees – it reminded me of the repulsive landscape described by Robert Browning in his dream-like quest-poem, ‘Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came’, where the grass grows ‘as scant as hair in leprosy’, and rats shriek like babies   I felt frightened If I’d seen anyone else standing or walking in the precincts of the Tower, I’d have panicked and run There was no one Perhaps that was more ominous In Umberto Eco’s novel Foucault’s Pendulum, a taxi driver admits to the narrator that at night he always feels compelled to accelerate past the Eiffel Tower because it scares him Why? ‘Parce que … parce que ça fait peur, c’est tout’ I too felt that fear – and couldn’t remain an instant longer So I rapidly retraced my steps to the rue de l’Université, spooked by the thought of the Tower rearing up implacably behind me I felt as if a layer of skin had been scraped from my back beneath my neat, black rucksack and thick clothes   Turning into the avenue de La Bourdonnais I slid into a dark dreamscape: a handgun lay on the doorstep of a building to my left; solid, geometric, shocking It must have been dropped on the stone step by someone running up the avenue, or tossed from a passing car I tried to remember the emergency number as I pictured the man who had left it… then imagined him returning for it


November 2018

Philippa Snow


November 2018

Philippa Snow is a critic and essayist. Her work has appeared in publications including Artforum, The Los Angeles Review of Books, ArtReview, Frieze, Vogue, The...


January 2021

An Uneasy Girl

Philippa Snow


January 2021

Even before Lucie arrives holding a shotgun, we know that the perfect family in this huge suburban house are...

Brilliant Muscles


December 2019

Philippa Snow


December 2019

‘Lindsay Lohan’s new film,’ I told almost everyone I spoke to for about two months earlier this year, ‘is about werewolf detectives.’ Nobody seemed...
Evita Vasiljeva, POSTCRETE

Art Review

February 2019

Philippa Snow

Art Review

February 2019

Lower.Green is situated in the unlikely surroundings of a near-dead mall in Norwich. It is not just any mall, but Anglia Square Shopping Centre:...
Gabriele Beveridge, Live Dead World

Art Review

November 2018

Philippa Snow

Art Review

November 2018

Several months ago, I went to a salon so small and so identikit that I do not recall the name, and against every sane...



Issue No. 2

From Back Home

J. H. Engstrom


Issue No. 2

In his collection From Back Home the Swedish photographer JH Engström traced his childhood memories back to the province...


Issue No. 2

Sri Lankan Contemporary Art

Josephine Breese


Issue No. 2

Sri Lanka has developed a thriving, vital contemporary art scene over the past twenty years. New artists are emerging...


November 2014

Lay and Other Poems

Pere Gimferrer

TR. Adrian Nathan West


November 2014

Ode to Venice Before the Sea of Theaters (from Arde el mar, 1966)   The false cups, the poison,...


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