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Philomena Epps
Philomena Epps is an art critic and writer based in London. She is also the founding editor and publisher of Orlando.

Articles Available Online

Anna Maria Maiolino, Making Love Revolutionary

Art Review

December 2019

Philomena Epps

Art Review

December 2019

In 1977, a group of mothers began to meet on Thursday afternoons in Plaza de Mayo, the site of the presidential palace in Buenos...
Alina Szapocznikow, Human Landscapes

Art Review

December 2017

Philomena Epps

Art Review

December 2017

‘I produce awkward objects,’ the sculptor Alina Szapocznikow wrote in 1972. ‘Of all the manifestations of the ephemeral, the human body is the most...



January 2015

One Out of Two

Daniel Sada

TR. Katherine Silver


January 2015

Now, how to say it? One out of two, or two in one, or what? The Gamal sisters were...


May 2014

The Interzone and Dexter Dalwood

Sarah Hegenbart

Dexter Dalwood


May 2014

‘Burroughs in Tangier’ (2005) has captivated me ever since its display in the 2010 Turner Prize Exhibition. The work...


Issue No. 10


The Editors


Issue No. 10

This tenth editorial will be our last. Back in February 2011, on launching the magazine, we grandiosely stated that we...


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