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R. V. Campbell

R. V. Campbell is completing her PhD in history at the University of Cambridge. Her work has recently appeared in Public Books, Feminist Review, Meanjin, Novara and the Independent. She has just finished a children’s book about International Women’s Day.

Articles Available Online

A net, a web, a trap: on ‘Glitch Feminism’

Book Review

November 2020

R. V. Campbell

Book Review

November 2020

I was fourteen when I first transformed from Rosa into ~<*RoSaBubbLe*>~. Propelled by my adoration of Courtney Love – the lead singer of Hole,...



February 2011

Red Shirts in Thailand

Sam Brown


February 2011

The closest I had ever come to a protest was in 2003, in Bangkok, when I tried and failed...


August 2013

To the Woman

Adam Seelig


August 2013


Issue No. 12

Interview with Yvonne Rainer

Orit Gat


Issue No. 12

TWO DAYS BEFORE WE WERE SCHEDULED TO MEET, Yvonne Rainer walked into the gallery I was looking after for...


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