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Rahul Bery
RAHUL BERY lives in Cardiff and translates from Spanish and Portuguese into English. His most recent translations are Nothing Can Hurt You Now by Simone Campos and Mary John by Ana Pessoa (co-translated with Daniel Hahn). He is currently working on a translation of Centroeuropa by Vicente Luis Mora.

Articles Available Online


Prize Entry

April 2017

Hangnails, and Other Diseases

Giada Scodellaro

Prize Entry

April 2017

Benson’s Syndrome   Grapefruit. I have lost the word for it. Popillo? Popello? No, no. It escapes her, the...


April 2013

Popular Mechanics

Gareth Dickson


April 2013

In simple terms, the process of combustion creates energy that is converted into motion. The ignition by the spark...


November 2011

Cooper's Hawk

Elyse Fenton


November 2011

My breath’s the wind’s breathless down-stroke hasty claw like the gnarred finger of juniper just now clambering for a...


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