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Rebecca Tamás
REBECCA TAMÁS is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at York St John University. Her pamphlet Savage was published by Clinic, and was a LRB Bookshop pamphlet of the year, and a Poetry School book of the year. Rebecca’s first full-length poetry collection, WITCH, was published by Penned in the Margins in March 2019. She is editor, together with Sarah Shin, of Spells: 21st Century Occult Poetry, published by Ignota Books. Her collection Strangers: Essays on the Human and Nonhuman was published by Makina Books in October 2020.  

Articles Available Online

Interview with Ariana Reines


July 2019

Rebecca Tamás


July 2019

I first became aware of Ariana Reines’s work through her early poetry collection The Cow (2006), which went on to win the prestigious Alberta Prize. I...


Issue No. 24

The Songs of Hecate: Poetry and the Language of the Occult

Rebecca Tamás


Issue No. 24

  I have gone out, a possessed witch, haunting the black air, braver at night; dreaming evil, I have...

We’ve been quarantined in the school gym for three weeks when we realise just how much we’ve forgotten Not just about the inseminations, the mysterious stomach-swelling sickness that spread like chicken pox at Elmwood last fall, but everything, way back We make a list, chalk the outlines:   The name of the fourth grade teacher we loved, with the soccer cleats and hair like notebook spirals; the names of boys, their smell; the quadratic formula; what our knees look like   Our mothers visit and they ask, again and again, how could you forget? How could your brain just slide over something as monumental as losing your virginity? Some of you are in National Honours Society Some of you play the oboe/viola/bassoon   When Riley arrives in the gym — late because no one realised she was hiding a baby under that pear shape — she brings reports from the outside ‘Everyone is talking about us,’ she says, awed ‘Our parents are on TV’   She’s smuggled in an issue of Time, with our school portraits tic-tac-toed across the cover We crowd to read it, almost tear the pages we’re so eager Lila Hanson was Miss Teen Indiana and her talent was public speaking: a performance of Yeats in a dress sequined and feathered, to flaps of applause She rips the magazine from our hands and stands on a stack of aerobics steps to read:   “‘Half the honour roll The entire starting squad of the basketball team Why have twenty-three students at Terre Haute’s Elmwood High School fallen pregnant this year? Ed Coolers reports from Indiana’s Gomorrah of Underage Sex”‘   We swear to our mothers we didn’t have sex We sit with them on the bleachers and down the slope of the drained pool, squeeze their hands and vow we’re telling the truth We show them the chastity contracts we signed in health class, the ones they laminated and made us keep in our wallets like drivers’ permits We show them the promise rings our dads gave us, at a ceremony in a banquet hall with Styrofoam Greek columns and napkins folded like swans   Our mothers look back at us as


July 2015

Rebecca Tamás


July 2015

REBECCA TAMÁS is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at York St John University. Her pamphlet Savage was published by Clinic, and...



Issue No. 14

Rebecca Tamás


Issue No. 14

INTERROGATION (1)     Are you a witch?   Are you   Have you had relations with the devil?   Have you   Have...



May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


July 2012

Poem for the Sightless Man (After Kate Clanchy)

Abigail Nelson


July 2012

This is just to say,   that the inked glasses that you wear look like the sound of shop...


Issue No. 9

The White Review No. 9 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 9

This ninth print issue of The White Review is characterised by little more than the continuation of the principles...


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