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Richard O’Brien
Richard O’Brien’s pamphlets include The Emmores (Emma Press, 2014) and A Bloody Mess (Valley Press, 2015). His work has featured in Oxford Poetry, Poetry London, and The Salt Book of Younger Poets. His first children’s play – an adaptation of The Selfish Giant – was produced at the Arcola Theatre in December 2016. He is a teaching fellow in Creative Writing at the University of Birmingham. In 2017, he won an Eric Gregory Award from the Society of Authors.

Articles Available Online

From The Dolphin House


August 2017

Richard O’Brien


August 2017

Note for the following three poems: In 1965, a bottlenose dolphin christened Peter was the subject of a scientific experiment. For six weeks, he...



Issue No. 1

Ninety-Nine, One Hundred

Tess Little


Issue No. 1

Sitting at a British Library desk in July 2006, a reader carefully consulted the fraying pages of A Relation...


January 2012

Collapse - A Memoir

Jesse Loncraine


January 2012

Author’s Note   I began writing about the war five years after it was over; a war the world...


October 2015

War is Easy, Peace is Hard

Alexander Christie-Miller


October 2015

At around midday on 19 July, Koray Türkay boarded a bus in Istanbul and set off for the Syrian...


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