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Roger Caillois
Roger Caillois (1913–1978) was a French intellectual whose idiosyncratic work brought together literary criticism, sociology, and philosophy by focusing on diverse subjects such as games, play and the sacred. Initially a member of the Surrealists, he left the group after a disagreement with André Breton in 1934, and became one of the founders, alongside Georges Bataille and Michel Leiris, of the Collège de Sociologie in Paris, which was dedicated to exploring the nature of the sacred in society. He was also instrumental in introducing Latin American authors such as Jorge Luis Borges, Pablo Neruda, Miguel Ángel Asturias to the French public. For more on Caillois, do read this article by Marina Warner in Cabinet magazine.

Articles Available Online

The Mask


March 2015

Roger Caillois

TR. Jeffrey Stuker


March 2015

Here I offer some reflections and several facts potentially useful for a phenomenology of the mask. Needless to say, these hypotheses are of an...



June 2014

Writing What You Know

Simon Hammond


June 2014

In the summer of 1959, a headstrong but lovesick English graduate took a trip to the hometown of his...


April 2017

Two Poems

Fady Joudah


April 2017

EUROPA AND THE BULL   The boat was loaded on a truck. The truck took me to the border....


October 2012

Interview with Sjón

Mary Hannity


October 2012

In Iceland, they eat puffin. The best-tasting puffin is soaked overnight in milk. ‘Then give the milk to the...


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