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Ruth Padel
Ruth Padel’s ten collections have been shortlisted for a number of prizes. Her prose includes a travel memoir, Tigers in Red Weather on tiger conservation; I’m A Man on Greek myth and rock music; and a wildlife novel, Where the Serpent LivesAwards include a British Council ‘Darwin Now’ Fellowship and First Prize in the National Poetry Competition. She is Professor of Poetry at King’s College London and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.

Articles Available Online

Two Poems


May 2018

Ruth Padel


May 2018

INTERMISSION   She stabilised. She started dying and then stopped. My brother said her aneurysm had sealed       stuck   between a kidney and her...



April 2013

The Final Journals of Dr Peter Lurneman

Luke Neima


April 2013

Editors’ note: After several months of debate we have decided to publish the succeeding text, a reproduction of the...


Issue No. 13

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Orlando Reade


Issue No. 13

Modern philosophy is threatened by love, whose objects are never only objects. Philosophers have discovered in love a lived...


September 2013

A God In Spite of His Nose

Anna Della Subin


September 2013

‘Paradise is a person. Come into this world.’ — Charles Olson   In the darkness of the temple, footsteps...


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