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Ryū Murakami

Ryū Murakami is a Japanese novelist, filmmaker and talk show host. Awarded the prestigious Akutagawa Prize in 1976 for his first book, a novel about a group of young people drowned in sex and drugs, he has gone on to explore with cinematic intensity the themes of violence and technology in contemporary Japanese society. His novels include Coin Locker Babies, Sixty-Nine, Popular Hits of the Showa Era, Audition, In the Miso Soup and From the Fatherland, with Love. Murakami is also a screenwriter and a director; his films include Tokyo Decadence, Audition and Because of You.

Articles Available Online

Cabbage Butterflies


May 2013

Ryū Murakami

TR. Ralph McCarthy


May 2013

The guy looked disappointed when he saw me. My one sales point is that I’m young, but my eyelids are so puffy they look...



December 2011

James Richards: Not Blacking Out...

Chris Newlove Horton


December 2011

Artist James Richards appropriates audio-visual material gathered from a range of sources, which he then edits into elaborate, fragmented...


May 2015

Interview with Catherine Lacey

Will Chancellor


May 2015

Catherine Lacey is a writer who came to New York by way of Tupelo, Mississippi. She is a New...


Issue No. 16


The Editors


Issue No. 16

The political and internet activist Eli Pariser coined the term ‘Filter Bubble’ in 2011 to describe how we have...


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